
My Own Creations

As a general rule whenever I’m making something (especially if I’m making it for someone else), I like to have a pattern to follow.  I like not having to second guess and make things up as I go along.  Basically I like structure.  I know how to do a lot, and for the most part following patterns and instructions is a piece of cake.  It’s nice having something laid out in front of me telling me how much of what I need and how many stitches and rows and whatnot.  But sometimes, someone wants something or other made and I don’t have a pattern, and I can’t buy a lot of patterns (they’re so expensive sometimes, especially with the current exchange rate), so I wing it.  I had to do that twice in the past week or so, for the last two things that I was asked for.

First up, a friend of my sister sent me a picture of a small fox cushion.  She asked if I could make something like this for her, explaining that she only had a picture she’d seen on Pinterest.  No problem right?  Something cute like that must have patterns out there somewhere, right?   Well, if they do, I certainly don’t know where they are.  I figured I could find a pattern no sweat, but couldn’t find anything like what I wanted.  I managed to track down the source of the original picture I was sent as being from a shop on Etsy, but alas, only finished products, no patterns.  I even found another one that I thought was even cuter but again, no patterns.  So I took a deep breath and set about making one on my own.

Flying blind isn’t something that I take lightly.  I don’t really consider myself an expert or a designer even.  I can fake my way through some stuff, and put parts of patterns together to make something new just fine, but when it comes to actually starting from scratch and going it alone I’m not really confidant.  My husband has way more confidence in my skills than I do, assuring me that I can do it no problem, and I have to admit, there is something very satisfying about having an idea in your head that you bring about and create all on your own.

So I resigned myself to the fact that if I were going to make this, I’d have to just bite the bullet and create it on my own.  So with yarn in hand and a notebook and pen at my side, I set out.  I wrote out everything I did, scratched out my mistakes, ripped out and did over and ripped out again.  But lo and behold, I came out with something that I love and plan to make again (maybe even venturing into turning it into different animals? who knows).

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Isn’t it cute?  I’m very proud of this, I must say.  This little guy came out better than I thought and I’m pretty smitten with him.  I’m thinking I have to make another just like him (since he has a new home waiting for him already) and maybe a little girl fox to match.  I think my girls would like them.  I left this one in my living room to go get my phone to snap a picture and when I came back my girls already had him in their clutches.  He needed a name, mostly because I have to name everything for my own obsessive organizing of my notes.  I let my big girl (who is now a whopping 4 years old) pick a name, and she went with Walter.  So Walter it is.  My only issue is I have no idea where in the world she came up with that lol.

For the inside, I got some fabric from my mom and cut out two circles that I measured then stuffed and sewed together.  I wanted there to be a lining because when there’s stuffing inside crochet it can sometimes come out between stitches.  Sewing is not my strong suit, and I don’t have a sewing machine to make it fast and easy either.  My pillow is about 13″ across so it wasn’t exactly just some tiny thing to sew together, but I powered through.  I knew it needed it, just like I know the next one I (eventually) make will need it.  I’d call it a necessary evil, but in all honesty I don’t always find it torture.  Once in a while if it’s (relatively) quiet in my house I find there’s something almost peaceful about doing basic sewing by hand.  I think that’s weird, but maybe that’s just because I had an insane aversion to any and all sewing in the past.

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The second item I was asked to make was a set of Easter baskets for my two nieces.  My sister asked for these as something a little different and special for each of them from the Easter bunny.  I actually made a couple of baskets in the past.  When I was first learning to crochet I made a Lalaloopsy inspired basket and a Minion basket.  I had a pattern for the Lalaloopsy one that I purchased on Ravelry.  My sister had a specific size in mind, and already purchased the yarn that she liked (which is pretty much the exact opposite of how I would do it, but that pretty much sums us up anyway) so I got to work designing this myself as well.

A basket is pretty simple to make.  Though I did have my momentary tiny panic over going it on my own.  I know that I don’t know everything, but I do know some and for the most part am successful in what I set out to do so I don’t know why I’m like that.  Just have to gain a little more knitting/crochet confidence I suppose.  I had three balls of Bernat Softee Chunky to use for both baskets so I halved them to make sure both would be the same size.  For the bottom I used some yarn from my stash and made a double base that I sewed together for a little more stability.  She just asked for three stripes so I went with what I had from there.  The handle is a knitted i-cord and she wanted a faux fur pompom by Bernat for the basket to look like a little bunny tail.  I also added a crocheted bow to each side and made a little felt tag to tie around the handle.  This is the first one I made.  The second one will be pretty much the same, except the pompom will be pink (there was only one white one left at the store) and the name tag will have a different name.  Other than that it will be the same.  Again, as I went I took notes to make sure the would be the same.  I like how this turned out too, and I hope they love what the Easter bunny brings them.

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