
Maker Mom

There are so many things out there to make.  I have a queue that just keeps getting added to faster than items gets checked off.  In my head I think ‘as long as my finished items list is longer than my queue it’s okay.’  Really it’s not because there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  Ever.  No matter how many things I make there are so many more that I want to make.  That list will never stop growing, but I’m okay with putting a big dent in it for now.


Bonbon Kisses Pouch
I finally got around to making the Bonbon Kisses Pouch.  It’s a free pattern from mooglyblog.com that I tried making when I first learned to crochet but couldn’t do.  When I decided to make a little change purse for my youngest (I already made one for her big sister) I really wanted it to be this one.  Now that I’ve made it I don’t know where I was having trouble, but am glad I re-visited it.  The pattern really is cute, and just like every other pattern I’ve tried from her site, Tamara is always clear, easy to follow, and gives excellent instructions and how-to videos for users.  Can’t sing her praises enough.  As for the colours I chose, well my daughter is all about yellow but I couldn’t bring myself to make something all I’m yellow (not a yellow fan here), so I went with some pinkish yarn I had in my stash that was the same weight.  

I also made a little something for me (okay it’s kinda big but saying you made yourself a big something just sounds weird to me).  I bought a skein of Bernat Mega Bulky for the sole purpose of making myself an infinity scarf.  I’m not really a scarf person, but I made myself a hat and mittens and wanted some type of scarf for when it’s really cold.  Now that I’ve made this I’m really happy I did because when it’s -18 and the wind’s blowing, it’s nice to have something to bury my nose in.  Working with the Mega Bulky can be different, but fun.  I used a set of needles my husband’s father made for me from dowels.

Side note, how many people utter the phrase “it’s only minus twelve and the wind’s not even blowing”?  It’s not just me is it?  lol. I catch myself saying something like that pretty often here in the winter.  Just today I was talking to my sister and she was thinking of going on a snowmobile ride with the kids to the cabin but decided to wait until tomorrow because it’ll only be minus three.  It occurred to me that some people couldn’t  imagine doing anything if it were -3 degrees (Celsius), let alone -12 (wind or no).


This is another pattern I’ve had for a long time and wanted to make.  It’s the Be Mine Hat from Marken of The Hat & I. This is one of those patterns that I looked at and figured was really complicated and so as much as I like it, I put off making it.   The reality is that the pattern is so well written and detailed that I had no trouble at all.  This is so sweet, it makes me think of Valentine’s Day but really it’s good for anytime … Well, anytime the wind isn’t blowing too hard since the hearts are open.  Though I suppose if you wanted you could easily line the hat.  There’s a pattern for a scarf with the same motifs that I have too, just haven’t tackled that one yet.  Currently I’m only working on small things to break up orders.  I love all the support I get from people who want me to make things for them, but once in a while I just need to take a quick break from making what others want and try something I want to make (especially when someone asks for a few of the same thing, still not good at making the same thing over and over).
This is another one I really enjoyed making.  It’s called Noah’s Bulky Hat and it’s a paid pattern by Mamachee.  I was drawn to this pattern because I loves how it’s a beanie, but has a part that comes down to make sure the ears are covered.  I don’t understand hats that don’t cover the ears.  I just don’t see the point (maybe because hat weather here is normally so cold and ears NEED to be covered?  I dunno).  Also not everyone likes traditional ear flaps, and this way there’s no ties hanging down (if that’s something you don’t care for).  I played around with a few different yarns for this hat to see what they would be like.  The Pink one was made using Sheep-Ish by Vickie Howell held doubled for the brim and Bernat Bargello for the main part.  The off white and green ones were made with Patons Beehive Baby Chunky for the brim and Bernat Lovie for the body.  I made both hats with one ball of each (one in toddler and one in a baby size).  It’s teat to have a way to use up a partial skein that isn’t just a pompom or scrap blanket.  I Reallyliked the pattern and how well written it was.  I had no trouble at all following this one either.  I don’t get to buy many patterns, so I am always relieved and extra pleased when they’re well written and turn out properly.

This baby fisherman photo prop set was made for a local lady here.  She has a daughter the same age as my youngest and asked that I make this for her new baby who’s due soon.  I really didn’t want to buy a pattern as the elements of a set like this could easily be found separately in free patterns.  I found all free patterns for the fish, boots, diaper cover, and hat.  The bobber and lure in the hat I made up as I went.  Sadly, I don’t have any babies to model, but I have young daughters and so there are lot of dolls around.  This one was almost perfectly sized (though a little uncooperative at first as she kept falling over).

MJ’s Off the Hook Designs is responsible for this scarf pattern.  I saw it and wanted to give it a go and so was pleased when my sister asked for one.  Always nice when the yarn is on someone else’s dime for a change lol.  There wasn’t a whole lot of Bernat Roving around so I had to use some substitutions, which was okay, but I wish I could have found all I wanted.  The reddish colour and the brown are Bernat roving, the grey is Patons Classic Wool Roving, and the off white is a mix of Bernat alpaca and Lion Brand Homespun.  Also it should be noted that my scarf here shorter than the pattern calls for but only because that’s what my sister asked for.  It’s incredibly soft and warm and she really loves it, so that makes me happy.  I have a few of MJ’s patterns now and so far so good.  I haven’t tried all of them yet, but they’re definitely on my to-do list.  My main problem is getting the yarn asked for in patterns.  It’s a little frustrating sometimes, but I usually manage.

My husband loves these Bomber/Aviator hats.  When the girls were invited to two birthday parties (in one) this weekend we decided to make this one for the boy.  I’ve seen them done with the front flap done in regular yarn and just trimmed in fuzzy stuff, but personally I think they look much better this way.

A lot of kids have been getting handmade stuff from us for birthday presents this year (I usually buy a little something to go with it too).  I always wonder though if parents actually like it.  Would they rather I just bought something?  I know no one wild ever say anything, but I think about it.  Some people I know are all about the handmade, and others not so much.  I do know that I believe I’d rather have a nice warm hat for my girls than yet another toy to add to their mountain of stuff they already have.  I’m a maker, I make stuff.  And I really hope the people I share that with like it.  Anyone else give handmade gifts, or have an opinion on getting handmades? 

 My girls and I love our hats, and are all ready to play outside with ours. 

2 thoughts on “Maker Mom

    1. Thank you so much!
      I do make things to sell. I have an etsy shop ( https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/ComfyCozyWarmThings ). Mostly just to make a few extra dollars to fuel my yarn addiction lol. I admit I’m not the best at updating it (there’s a big box of stuff in my closet now that I haven’t listed) but I also make some sales through my Facebook page ( http://www.facebook.com/comfycozywarm ). People just message me to ask for things they see that haven’t made their way to my shop. Hope this helps


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